Thursday, 21 December 2006

Stagger Benny Stagger


Come on Dockers and Eagles alike, we can all have a good laugh at this -

The Castle

Jon and Aaron dancing to Wavelength like pissed idiots at the Castle.

That's Gold!

Tuesday, 19 December 2006

You idiot.....

What happens when you get drunk and attempt a burn out.

300 thousand dollars later......That's Gold.

Monday, 11 December 2006

Three Bears Edition

Back in July Aaron, Jody, Jon, Sam and I went to Yallingup for a few days. We had a blast and stayed at a beautiful house called 'Three Bears Cottage'. I am definitely up for making that trip again. Here are some of the funny things that happened.

  • Kellie quite confidently telling Jon where Simmo's Ice-creamery was situated. "Yeah I know where it is. It's on some road somewhere". Thanks for clearing that up Kellie.

  • Aaron coming last in mini golf and somehow chipping the ball off the course completely.

  • Jody's knowledge of the wine making process. "Is Rose' made from pink roses?".

  • Sam getting caught fondling her nipples by the old lady with a pole up her butt at a winery.

  • Aaron breaking out in hives at Cullen Winery.

  • Jon and Aaron's black teeth and subsequent green poo after eating licorice ice cream from Simmo's.

  • The upstairs 'poo' toilet.

  • Sam telling Jon she was going to smack his cock whilst walking by an occupied car with an open window.

The hilarity of our That's Gold Moments have been massively reduced!

  • "I can't hear it at all, I must be completely blind to it..." Suzy mixes up her senses.

  • Jon microwaving his paper & metal box of Wok-in-a-box. Needless to say the microwave was billowing black smoke and his Wok-in-a-box was on fire.

  • Aaron leaf sucking, thinking it's great till he looks behind him and realised he didn't do up the bag.

  • Stephen carrying the quiche into the oven with a tea towel, the realised the dish was cold as he hadn't cooked it yet!!

  • Jon getting his 'songs' on!

  • Jon getting his 'yak' on!

  • Kellie's mastering of the washing machine. Thank god that machine died in the arse.

Super Simmo: The King of That's Gold

Hooch is crazy!

  • Kellie trying to plug the fry pan socket into the power point.

  • Aaron dropping Kellie's phone bill into his huge helping of Thousand Island dressing.
  • Jody trying to steal someone else's car at the gym.

  • "Hey look Kellie this has got caffeine in it" Says Suzy holding a CC and Cola!

  • "How do you pre-heat an oven?" Asks Simon

  • "Simon when you feel the flame you can take your hand off the knob"

The entry of Jon as our new housemate

Around this time Simon left :(
and Jon arrived :)
and subsequently there were many more That's Gold to be had!

  • "How do you make more ice?" Says Stephen. Answer - You have to send an expedition to Antarctica to bring some back Stephen - that's why we pay taxes :)

  • "Whats that word, you know when you approve someone of something?" "Um... approval!"

  • Jon opening up the kitchen cupboard. "Are these square things the plates?"

  • Jon laughing so hard when playing Foosball that he farted (already a true housemate)

More, more, more.....

In retrospect there aren't very funny moments on this post. At this point too many things were being claimed as That's Gold and not many of them were. Mind I'm sure most of you don't really find any of this funny. Oh well someone is visiting this site though. Thank you!

  • Suzy dropping a whole packet of biscuits on the floor in front of everyone.

  • "It's just like an Echo, yet differently shaped" Kellie referring to an ad for the Toyota Yaris. Well done Kellie, a BMW is differently shaped to an Echo as well. Jokes on you! The Yaris was the car that Toyota replaced the Echo with so you can tongue my hairy bags....hehehe

  • Kellie walking very drunkenly (after vomiting in a car park), missing the horseshit on the floor, but trying to open the door to the wrong car! I'm glad we don't chronicle everything I do when I'm drunk. That would be an entire blog in itself.

  • Suzy's singed vag and eventual brown stain on her pristine white knickers. Bring on the Aloe Vera! Suzy has flaming panties! Someone made Suzy spill piping hot coffee on her lap.

Friday, 1 December 2006

A truely disgusting 'That's Gold'

I heard this story from a friend who heard it from a friend. This one could become an urban legend. It's bloody funny though and completely mortifying for those involved.

The story goes like this, a girl and a guy went out on a date and ended up spending the night together at his house. She wakes up the next morning to find him gone but discovers he has left her a note. It told her that he had a great time and to make herself breakfast and use the shower if she wanted to. The girl got dressed and went to the toilet. To her horror the toilet would not flush properly and her nugget was still sitting in the bowl. Not wanting to leave it there for the guy to find she got a plastic bag and fished the turd out of the bowl, intending to throw it in a bin once she's left the house. She left the bag with the poo on the kitchen bench whilst she finished getting ready to leave. In her rush out the door the girl left the bag on the bench. When she realised that she had forgotten the bag she discovered that the door was locked and she had no way of getting back into the house.

Imagine being that poor guy who came home to find a shit lying in a plastic bag on his kitchen bench. Something makes me think she didn't hear from him ever again.

How embarrassing! But as this story has been found so humorous by so many people I believe it qualifies for a 'That's Gold' tag.