Thursday, 15 March 2007

Clutching at straws here....

I realise I haven't written a 'That's Gold' in a long while....mainly because nothing that funny has happened. As much as that would shock you Simmo.

Anyway I thought that considering the last time I posted was nearly a month ago I better put another one up. For you Simmo cos it's really only you, my brother and Aaron who read this.

Last night I was at my cousins wedding rehearsal. I had to do a reading. I was kinda nervous about it because I was afraid that I would laugh whilst reading it. Luckily I made it with, delivering the reading with sincerity. Who could ever imagine I would be able to do that :P

Anyway the funny bit came when I was listening to the singers and the piano player. They were practising 'Ave Maria'. The pianist (cue girlish giggling because pianist sounds like penis) was playing the opening chords. As soon as I heard them I thought of the opening chords to 'Cheers'.
Da da da da da da da, Da da da da da da......making your way in the world today.......

So whilst Robyn and her bridesmaids walk down the aisle to Simon and the other groomsmen, I'll be singing in my head; Da da da da da da da, Da da da da da da......making your way in the world today.......

Simon when you are standing at the alter waiting for Robyn, I know many thoughts will be running through your head and I hope the knowledge that I will be thinking about Cheers will be one of them. Oh and not TV version Cheers, Simpsons version Cheers (you know the Flaming Moe's episode).

Also when I do my reading I will try my very hardest to look right at the very back because I know there will be people in the audience trying to make me laugh.