Monday, 11 December 2006

Super Simmo: The King of That's Gold

Hooch is crazy!

  • Kellie trying to plug the fry pan socket into the power point.

  • Aaron dropping Kellie's phone bill into his huge helping of Thousand Island dressing.
  • Jody trying to steal someone else's car at the gym.

  • "Hey look Kellie this has got caffeine in it" Says Suzy holding a CC and Cola!

  • "How do you pre-heat an oven?" Asks Simon

  • "Simon when you feel the flame you can take your hand off the knob"


Simmo said...

ooops kel, someones gonna complain about that title because apparently I appear too often in your blog :P

yepthatsgold said...

I can't help the fact you give me so much material.