How long have forwards been called memes and why was I not aware of this. Oh I know - its because I am only a lower level nerd AND also because I'm stoopid hehe.
Well clearly my brother hasn't read my blog about why I hate forwards. So give me a moment while I cut and paste it in here.
Annoying SMS Forwards
DISCLAIMER: For today's blog I have borrowed Aaron's soapbox
Did anyone receive this crappy forward on New Years Eve?
Always remember for is short, break the rules, 4give quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably n never regret anythin that made u smile :-)
send 2 all the people u love n care 4 n dont want 2 lose in 2007 even me... if u get 3 back ur a great friend.
I friggin hate receiving these kinds of messages! Yesterday I got this one from four different people. I can tell you I don't find these things warm and fuzzy at all, rather incredibly irritating.
I don't know why people send these things on - they are nothing but soppy tripe that you wouldn't really say in real life. They are as annoying as those bullshit friendship emails that tell you what a wonderful friend you are then tell you how many people to annoy by forwarding it on so you can get a something good in return. I hate them!!!!!
But I hate SMS emails even more. Firstly because when you receive a message on your phone you want it to be for something purposeful. Secondly the only people benefiting from all of these SMS forwards are the phone companies. So why the hell do people go along with it?
The only acceptable sms forward is one that is amusing and clever. Like the recent petrol prices one. That is a message I can appreciate and can find worthwhile donating a few dollars to Telstra to pass onto other people.
What is the purpose of this blog? I guess it's to let people know that if you have my email or phone number and feel like irritating the fuck out of me then send me a crappy forward :) hehe
Ok that's the end of my rant for today,
1) They have the potential to irritate the fuck out of me
2) Most memes are all about soppy, lovely dovey bullshit that I would never say to anyone! I'm just not that guy. (Scrubs quote for those of you who are playing at home)
3) That fact that you have to forward them on or else something good won't happen and something bad will. I mean since when do my friends and emails have the right to be so god damn demanding. I'll forward it on if I think it's fucking worthwhile in doing so thanks.
4) SMS forwards! My most hated of all memes!!!! They are always disappointing and only serve the purpose of making money for the telephone companies. I think they must be the ones who start them because they are more than aware of the many pleb's out there who enjoy receiving soppy tripe via SMS and feel it's necessary to share the tripe with others.
5) Being the Internet/mobile addict I am I always experience a little flutter of excitement with I have received new mail. Nothing is more disappointing than opening up an email to find it's one of those forwards. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Now I guess I should reiterate I don't hate all forwards, because I myself pass emails on. If they are amusing and interesting then I will pass it on, as most of you would be aware.
So now that you've read this you have to tell 100 people about my blog or you will remain disappointing in bed.
Oh and I'm not entirly sure I used meme in the right context. I apologise if I didn't and that annoyed any of you.