Sunday 18 February 2007

Duh which button do I push again boss?

Aaron is sitting on the couch with Jon's laptop.

"Jon there's something wrong the computer" calls Aaron.
Looks at the keyboard confused.
"Whats the problem?" asks Kellie.
"The computer won't turn on" says Aaron.
Still looks around the keyboard confused.
Kellie reaches over and pushes the POWER button. The computer comes to life.
"Ohhh so you have to push it for a while" says Aaron
Kellie walks away saying "Aaron your such a technophobe".
She walks into the bathroom where Jon is fixing his hair.
"What was the problem with the computer?" Jon asks Kellie.
"He didn't know how to turn it on" replied Kellie.
Cue five minutes of Jon and Kellie pissing themselves laughing in the bathroom at the expense of Aaron.

That's Gold.

1 comment:

Simmo said...

I don't know which is funnier: The mere fact that Aaron didn't know how to turn on a computer or you and Jon laughing about it afterwards.