Tuesday, 28 November 2006

I'm bored and wish I could be as creative as my cousin Simon.....

.....in fact you should go read his blog after reading mine (though it's probably most likely that you've already visited his blog)

So it's time again for another round of 'That's Gold'!!!!
  • Simon making fried rice by pouring frozen rice from the packet into the fry pan and then realising he needed to add water. He thought 'Fried Rice' meant literally frying the rice in a pan.
  • Simon + BBQ = Fire Brigade - I'm not going to elaborate much on this one. The photo and hopefully the Best Man's Speech at Simon's wedding will do this one justice.
  • The Koala Puzzle - I have a day-by-day calender of supposed optical illusions. They have all been really shithouse and this one was no exception. On the page was written Koala in huge red letters. The task was to find the hidden word, the hidden word was Koala. Yeah that calender was money well spent. I think another one of those gems popped up again later in the year.
  • Simon & the invisible spider - Imagine Simon running in circles, screaming and rolling on the floor, trying to scrape off an invisible spider. (Simon hates spiders so I thought it was funny to tell him there was a spider on his back. Long story short Simon shat his pants and we all pissed ourselves laughing)
  • Simon, invisible spiders and liquefied bananas - We miss Simon as a housemate! It would rock if you could join us again. But if he did I would probably be again subjected to bananas so old they had turned to liquid. Watch out Robyn!
  • Suzy thinking we were laughing at her hiccups but we were laughing at her boob hanging out of her top.

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